Market Charts

Charts showing change of market-related metrics of the ZCN token

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These are the charts/graphs showing the change of metrics related to the market value of the ZCN cryptocurrency, it's Total Locked Value and the rewards of the different providers.

ZCN Price

This graph is the same as the graph in Home Page, it shows the change in the price of the ZCN over the time, depending on the ZCN Prices Service.

ZCN Circulating Supply Growth

This graph shows the change of the amount of ZCN tokens available in the market, that are the tokens that are not locked. More information about the Tokenomics of the ZCN system in the System Features documentation.

Market Capitalization of the ZCN token

Market Capitalization (Market Cap. for short) expresses the Circulation of the token, but in term of the U.S. Dollar. So, in simpler words, we can say that Market Cap is simply Circulation multiplieb by the ZCN Price.

Total Staked ZCN

This graph shows the change of the total amount of ZCN tokens staked to different providers. For more information about staking, check the Staking page in Tokenomics System Feature documentation.

Total Allocated Storage Value Allocated

This graph shows the change of the total amount of ZCN tokens locked by clients to cover their storage hosting and operation costs. These tokens are locked in the Write and Read pools.

Total Value Locked

This graph shows the change of the total amount of ZCN tokens locked for any reason; by staking, by client storage costs, or by any other means of locking. It's an indicator of trust of our clients in the Zus System.

Total Blobber Rewards

This graph shows the growth of the total amount of rewards received by all the blobbers of the system.

Total Miner Rewards

This graph shows the growth of the total amount of rewards received by all the miners of the system.

Total Sharder Rewards

This graph shows the growth of the total amount of rewards received by all the sharders of the system.

Last updated