Wallet Details Page

A page showing details of the Client Wallet

Wallet is basically a pair of keys that clients use to sign the transactions they submit to the system. Every wallet of the system has an "address", which is also an identifier for this wallet, and therefore for the client, in the system.

This page views the details of a client's wallet, given its address. You can access this page as follows:

  • Any clickable Address field that represents the address of a client wallet, like the From and To fields of Allocation Creation transactions from the Transaction table in the Blockchain page.

  • Using the url: https://atlus.cloud/address-details/<user_wallet_id>

Note that all the providers (blobbers, miners, sharders, etc...) also have wallets - which have address - so if you tried to access this page with the address of a provider wallet, you'll be redirected to the details page for this provider.

Now let's discuss the sections of this page:

Wallet Details

This part of the page shows the details of the wallet in JSON format, along with an overview with the most important details.

Wallet Overview

This views the most important details you need to know about the wallet:

Details KeyDescription

Wallet ID

This is the address itself, which is also the identifier of the wallet.

Wallet Balance (ZCN)

This is the amount of ZCN tokens this wallet carries.

Staked Balance (ZCN)

This is the amount of ZCN tokens this wallet uses to stake the providers and get rewards. More information about staking on the Staking page of the Tokenomics System Feature documentation.


This is the amount of ZCN tokens this wallet gained as rewards from staking providers. More information about rewards on the Rewards page of the Tokenomics System Feature documentation.

Wallet Details (JSON format)

This views the wallet details in JSON format. More information about the data viewed here can be found in the Wallet Entity Page.

Transactions List

This section views the transactions related to this wallet, either sent or received.

Sent Transactions

This table shows information about transactions sent by this wallet i.e. this wallet should appear in the From field of these transactions. This table shows the same information as in the Transactions table in the Blockchain Page in Atlus.

You can use the filtration list in the upper right corner of this section to filter the transactions by their type.

Received Transactions

This table shows information about transactions received by this wallet i.e. this wallet should appear in the To field of these transactions. This table shows the same information as in the Transactions table in the Blockchain Page in Atlus.

As in the table before, you can use the filtration list in the upper right corner of this section to filter the transactions by their type.

Allocations Table

This table views information about the allocations owned by this wallet. Allocations are like contracts between the client and the system to allocate storage space for the client's data. You can read more about the Allocation in the Storage System Feature documentation.

Column NameDescription

Allocation ID

This is the Identifier of the allocation, with a copy icon to copy it to the clipboard. Clicking on it redirects to the Allocation Details page of this Allocation.

Data Shards

This is the count of data shards involving in this allocation. Data shards count decides how many blobbers that the allocation data will be split among.

Parity Shards

This is the count of parity shards involving in this allocation. Parity shards are replicas of the data shards that are used for data protection and fault tolerance. This count also decides how many blobbers will involve in carrying those parity shards.


This is the maximum storage space of this allocation.

Expiration Date

This is when the allocation will expire, meaning it will not be able to receive more data of the client.

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